Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Academics Shoot Preview.

best story
He is telling a science story during a science class, by seeing his expression on his face, I know that he is telling a good story to his class.

There is group people standing around holding each others hands while praying, and because their heads are facing to the ground, it creates a sad emotion.

fills the frame
The students around the gas creating a frame, and the gas is in the center.

Academics and Community Service

I picked this photo because the background and the person in the middle and the color are well designed, and the rules that used in this photo are simplicity, lines, and balance.

1. Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today?
In anywhere or big events.
2. Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in?
Gym or orchestra room.
3. What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today?
Wait for a good chance to taking a good photo, with good background, and using rules of photograph.

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